Field Trials

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Table 1: Influence of Biostimulants / Growth Enhancer on Number of Fruits per Plant of Tomato

Treatments 30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT                          
T6 GE 20.0 ml per L + 100 % RDF 9.99 83.49 93.17             
T9 100 % RDF 7.07 47.79 50.86

Table 2: Influence of Biostimulants / Growth Enhancer on Fruit Yield of Tomato

Treatments Total Yield per Plot (kg plot-1) Total Yield per Hectare (t ha-1)
T6 GE 20.0 ml per L + 100 % RDF 169.79 83.85
T9 100 % RDF 101.41 50.08

Table 3: Influence of Biostimulants / Growth Enhancer on yield attributes of maize

Treatments Number of cobs plant-1 Cob length (cm) Cob girth (cm) Number of rows cob-1 Number of kernels row-1 Number of kernels cob-1 Kernels weight cob-1 (g) Test weight (g)
T6 GE 20.0 ml per L + 100 % RDF 1.0 21.80 17.12 16.00 40.33 644.8 195.58 40.89
T9 Only RDF 1.0 15.83 14.54 14.00 32.67 457.8 147.80 36.21